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OpenNessEnce Book - Look below


Maybe we have overcomplicated understanding.  Be ye simple. :)

Maybe we have overcomplicated understanding. Be ye simple. :)

My attempt

What if a book covered it all? This is my attempt.

I capped it at 60 pages before I started. Why? The book will offer an explanation for that quirky choice. It will amaze you. You have been bathed in the answer to that question your entire life whether you know it or not.

30 pages would be illustrated. Why? I have synesthesia. My mind is bathed in color. I need color. The illustrations are on the pages on the “left” or first. The information/discussion is on the next page - to the “right.”

Some of the book is thin, quick, and light. Some of it is thick, slow, and heavy. Enjoy the variety.

I centered it on answering questions. It creates a dialogue between you and me. I ask what I think you are asking. It is like a conversation with Socrates. Above the question, I offer answers that others have given in the past. Below the question, you will find my discoveries and thoughts.

This book covers time, space, experience, letters, numbers, language, chemistry, biology, physics, economics, politics, history, religions, values, virtues, life, purpose, meaning, and of course happiness.

It can be read in one power push. It can be read in small bites. It might be wise to read it in measured efforts and more than once.

No matter who you are, where you are headed, or what you want, this book can guide you toward much good and to a better understanding of how exactly good is created.

Best Idea o’All Time? Is that a sincere claim or just hyperbolic talk?

The Online Etymology Dictionary posts this for the word “Idea.”

idea (n.)

late 14c., "archetype, concept of a thing in the mind of God," from Latin idea "Platonic idea, archetype," a word in philosophy, the word (Cicero writes it in Greek) and the idea taken from Greek idea "form; the look of a thing; a kind, sort, nature; mode, fashion," in logic, "a class, kind, sort, species," from idein "to see," from PIE *wid-es-ya-, suffixed form of root *weid- "to see."

To know is to see. Plus, it is an ability to comprehend what is seen.

OPEN and OPENNESS and ESSENCE. ….to be open.

Best — that is a value judgement of “the good” and using a sense of good

Idea — to see literally and in one’s mind - our mind’s eye

o’ALL — a complete opening to compare to all

Time — it etymologically means “to cut” - we make up these cuts in “time”

Best Idea o’All Time - Best Idea - Best Book - BEST BOOK EVER