12 words that are good to know
12 words that are good …to know
Open -- Glasnost (Russia's opening), US Open Door policy in China, Infitah (Egypt's opening after the Yom Kippur War), Kaifang (China's opening in 1978), free and open trade, all businesses :)
Akasha -- Indian open space, like Greek aether (their quintessential or “fifth” element)
Ren -- "human" in Confucianism, the essence of being good is to be human
Ephphatha -- "be opened," the Greek form of a Syro-Chaldaic or Aramaic word, the only exact words in the Bible that Jesus would have said
Al-Fatiha -- "The opener," title of the opening Surah of the Koran
Arete -- Greek word for "excellence," being the best you can be
Eudaimonia -- Greek word for "happiness," literally eu-good; daimonia/demon/spirit -- good spirited - happy
Wu wei -- actionless action, Chinese
Pu -- the uncarved block, Chinese for the potential to be anything
Tao -- "the way," the natural way
Ahimsa -- nonviolence, Indian virtue
logos -- "word," "reason" in ancient Greek, and idea encapsulated