20 goals in 20 years for my 50th – and 50/50 - Either Will or Won’t Be
1. 2-minute commercial/infomercial during the Super Bowl
2. Create creativity centers across America
3. Get Hip Hop Scotch (School Hop Scotch) in schools across America
4. Launch Playns – my 2-dimensional Lego-style pieces
5. Establish Opennessence as the world’s ideology
6. Collaborate with Ai WeiWei on an exhibition
7. Deliver the greatest presentation of all time
8. Get published in The Atlantic or The New Yorker
9. Get a Little Loopy Newton Hallmark card made
10. Establish the OPEN tri-polar political ideology matrix
11. Work with the Obamas on a project for inverting past discrimination into a future of diversity
12. Work with the Gates to spread OPEN values
13. Spread OPEN and OpenNessEnce logos (see # 10 below) worldwide
14. Develop Do-lines into a 3x5 creative army
15. Curves and Corners TED talk
16. Frame museum tour
17. Establish Little Loopy Newton as a mascot for openness
18. Get “Be good, be true, and be you” into childhoods
19. A-meri-CAN US tour
20. Zero, open, creo, done …b one to help others realize their dreams
…plus my 3x5 card idea stacks are loaded full of more useful projects. :)
What I accomplished in the last 20 years
1. Ran Little Loopy Newton comic in The Spotlight — 2004 - 2005
2. Licensed and sold Hip Hop Scotch — 2006 - 2009
3. Wrote for a couple newspapers including The Indianapolis Star 2004 - 2007
4. Named the 2011 NCSS Seattle Conference - “Opening Windows to the World”
5. Discovered/created Open Values - universal human values system - 2002
6. Opennessence - humanity’s simplest ideology
7. Wrote the greatest verse in history - The UNIverse
…oh, and the greatest book of all time …let the challenge begin :)
I am completely aware that some people will object to this purely as a general principle and/or as a specific challenge. On both accounts, I look forward to your claims, arguments, and evidence. I am happily open to your essays. :) Let me save you some time. If you object as a general principle, I understand your pain. You haven’t read hardly any (or very many) books in their entirety and certainly not ones that could contest this claim. That is not something that I can fix or help. If you haven’t even read your own holy book cover-to-cover once, how can I help you? I have read yours. Start with the Mahabharata. :) Most holy books can be found online. Type its name followed by “full text pdf”. Then, read it. Some take a few hours, but the Mahabharata will take most of you several months of full-on reading. If you are not dedicated or committed, then a quick read of the whimsically philosophical and fun Dao De Jing might do. Read an interpretation of Heraclitus here. Heraclitus is a Laozi (the acclaimed author of the Dao De Jing) of the West. Not proposing a religious or holy book? Great. :) Let’s give it a look. I find 100s of books to be phenomenal and fabulous. Does yours work? All “specific claims” must come with actual and verifiable claims and evidence. Be prepared for a very illuminating analysis of your selection. Please be sure that you understand the full world historic, local historic, geographic, metaphysical, philosophic, etymological, poetic, cultural syncretic, theological, cosmological, teleological and eschatological dimensions of your proposal.
8. With the super-supportive ICSS board of directors, co-planned and ran the 2008 NCSS Great Lakes Regional Conference
9. Blocked social studies statewide testing twice on two different fronts - almost single-handedly ended it for Geography and History of the World
10. Created the open ambigram logo, OpenNessEnce cube logo, and LOVE OPEN VENN
11. Got the state of Indiana to reduce the number of HS world history state standards and then was brought in as a consultant to do just that
12. Ran 10 articles, some on opennessence, in the Daily Journal (2021) …to be continued
13. Ran a two-page color newspaper ad for OpenNessEnce on the day after the 11/4/2020 election and posted an opennessence billboard on US 31
14. Executive producer and actor in Project Life film AND created The Renegade Comedy Troupe short film
15. Co-designed and co-wrote the new Indiana Geography and History of the World course
16. Executive director of the Indiana Council for the Social Studies 2010-2012
17. Keynote speaker at regional NCSS conferences (2007, 2008), presented at a NCSS national conference, and presented at a half-dozen other conferences
18. The Social Studies Leadership Network (which was my creation) met with the IN Superintendent of Public Instruction in his office in the IN Capitol building and began several processes that stopped some of the radical changes happening in IN at that time
…and ended another negative IN legacy that cannot be mentioned here
19. Meet IN Governor Joseph Kernan in the governor’s office on behalf of the Geography Educators’ Network of Indiana
20. Wrote and illustrated Curves and Corners and wrote Frame
There are many more…The Raiders of the Lost Ape, Arms of Life launch event art (5 large public exhibition pieces that made the nightly news), the Center Grove Education Foundation, How To Be Yourself in 27 Pages, a 40x10 feet mural at a night club (Club Logos) in Franklin,IN (painted with students of the CGHS art club, shown below), met and got an endorsement from Howard Zinn, received a thank you from two different Indiana governors, 200 Illustrated Facts for the Indiana Bicentennial, was one day away from emceeing a live TV event with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar [w/ Darnell Hillman (Dr. Dunk of the Pacers) and IU Jazz legend David Baker] at CGHS, Chicken Choppers, founding board member of CG Trails, co-created and co-taught Indiana Field Studies, the CG welded map, What’s Your Story, SIBAL (Student-Instructors Based Learning), the Cube — big and small, Picturescapes …but I stopped at 20. :)