Oldies be Goldies, the newest ones are on the top, but it starts at the bottom.
10/25/2024: Wow, been a year since I have been here.
A tree’s branches are rooted in the air.
Earthlings should always root for trees.
Last year was a big joke, everywhere except to here.
If a donkey horses around too much, should it be considered an ass?
10/20/2023: ABCDEFG …humanity’s greatest win was the alpha bet.
01234567 …nothing is better than number 1.
5/5/2023: How to make a non-profit company? Start with a profitable company and ‘run it into the ground.’
Can you be conservative if you ‘won’t collect’ …taxes?
The last few months have been a real drag for queens.
4/3/2023: If homosexuality isn’t natural, then why are there so many homosexual animal species? Are left-handed Macaques natural?
The donkey doesn’t climb the mountain by staying at the bottom.
If the world stayed the same as it started, humans would never have come to live on it — change is living and “to live is to experience change.”
Education and stagnation are unhappy collaborators.
Progressives celebrate a society’s passed successes by adding new successes in the same spirit.
A conservative is someone who celebrates the accomplishments of other/former people and them claims them as their own.
1/25/2023: Conservatives are having fun canceling cancel culture, and then they go back to canceling progressive elements of society everywhere they find them.
Smiling at and flipping off the universe are the same thing.
Like latitude and longitude, thoughts and emotions meet at the intersections.
Experience defies expiration by existential expression.
1/12/2023: If we lived forever, the value of what we did would have no meaning.
Jokes are creations that both make fun of creation and have fun by creating.
First we live and then we create no more. Writings are creations that can keep on ‘giving’.
A ‘sell out’ is someone who will only create if they can sell it. Create you must, and then sell your ‘most’.
1/1/2023: Life is creation. To create is to live. Being alive is to create. Everyone alive is a creator. Emergence is ‘creation’ creating itself.
Happy G is the original — OG.
12/25/2022: Multitasker’s mantra: “I gotta quit stopping.”
We write history to right its wrongs.
Earthworms and humans both ‘eat’ dirt, which is the higher life form?
Existential and experiential — which came first?
12/20/2022: When the Universe is gone, the Sun is gone, the Earth is gone, and you are dead, will what you do today have been worth it?
The ‘bluebird of happiness’ …is oddly… …not ‘blue.’
“Duck, duck, duck, Canadian goose” …that is not chicken of cars and often acts out like a ‘turkey.’
People are angry that the press is liberal, but it is this “fourth estate“ that frequently joins with the ‘outsider’ commoners of the third estate to be a check against the power(s) used by, of, and for the ‘conservative’ and traditional clergy (the first estate) and nobility (the second estate) — who often sought to preserve a ‘right to rule’ [a divine right of kings] at all costs and behind closed doors. The British Edmund Burke, an objector of the bloody French Revolution, used the term fourth estate to describe the ‘opening of parliament to the press’, or as America calls it (opening government to the public) “sunshine laws.”
12/3/2022: It is irrelvent whether most FoxNews articles are real or fake, because they are increasingly meaningless.
At both ends of infinity is zero, and there is nothing much of importance in-between either. “Infinity is zero with a twist.”
Santa Claus (St. Nick) saved girls from prostitution in Turkey and offered people trance-inducing Amanita muscaria mushrooms and recycled urine to drink in Siberia, so the flying reindeer could get high.
When we spring break vacation at the North Pole, we know that the Second Coming of the dinosaurs is upon us.
11/20/2022: The climate has changed weather you like it or not.
Almost everywhere on the planet, fishermen have just given up…when the DreamWorks boy puts his rod up, the final crescent of hope is lost.
In the cosmic infinity of it all, the Earth doesn’t care, at all, if we kill off the entirety of life systems on it and ourselves too. However on the lighter side, the ‘great final survivors’ of beetles, cockroaches and rats might miss us lots.
Though Ecclesiastes said life is meaningless, chewing gum is knot.
11/15/2022: Recycle happiness. :)
In his latest Tweet, Elon Musk has declared that he will make no more declarations. —A Second-Thought Declaration of Independence
"Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That's our mission," Musk stated on 11/6/22. —RIP Wikipedia :)
Every generation has grieved about the youth wasting their time with some sort of mind-numbing activity — jealous nostalgia knows no limits, but it remembers the joy of mindless bliss.
TikTok goes the clock of American youth to a mind numbing, brain dumbing digital electronic servility. —China wins! (6:56)
How deep does America need to bury the seeds of truth to ensure that they will not grow? —Skin deep seems to be enough.
11/7/2022: "Helping history avoid the truth one fact at a time."
Western Christian-based holidays are all confused by the popular culture that shapes them. Jesus’s death on Good Friday is blotted out by an Easter bunny fertility candy cult. The return of sacred ancestors and saints on November 1st is erased by a night of death, demons, dark drama, and candy. Jesus’s birth to a virgin is slighted by a fluffy peddler of conspicuous consumption based on shamanistic mushroom traditions and he… …is walled in by mountains and seas of candy lands and sugary eats. :) [Deep question - what role does crude humor play in telling us truths? If you are hip, ‘wrestle’ with that until sunrise. :)]
On Halloween are ghosts and ghouls bored to death?
The executioner’s woes: “Chop, chop, chop …this carpal tunnel is killing me.”
10/29/2022: Hats off to capital punishment.
They say the Buddha found enlightenment under a tree, but it seems a little shady to me.
The only ugly evil people are the people who treat others as ugly evil people.
A million years after all humans are dead on Earth, do you think the Earth will still be worried about who won the 2020 US election?
Does the sun wish it was white?
For the racists who are obsessed with white, everyone has white bones …and they are actually close to white — off-white.
“This website uses cookies to corrupt your soul and ruin the lives of rural Afro-Eurasian child.” Please Choose: “Select Only Limited Demonic Cookies” or “Open the Mother load and Destroy All Human Happiness with Cookies.”
On Earth, Adam and Eve fell for apples. And this fruit fell to Earth for Adam’s apple.
Alan 3:16 (his birthdate) “The Universe emerged, so experience time and space by creating good and enjoying an open happy life.” [There is a newer version in Potpπ 12/20/2022.]
Before every religion put a mirror and teach them, “You will be tolerated as much as you tolerate others.”
10/19/2022 “What Would Jesus Do?” He would be Jewish…
Witches brew of choice is freedom.
“Vegetarians taste better.”
“Hurry, get your phone out and see if the Earth is still there.”
10/4/2022 “Lost is a good first name for Vegas.”
For Halloweeners who say Boo: “In Devil We Trust”
For sun worshippers: “In Glory We Trust”
“The devil is in the details and devil’s food cake and deviled eggs are both in the ‘delish’.”
9/26/2022: “The devil is a god too.”
Talking from an ass — a true Numbers 22 — God said, “Don’t beat your donkey.” The Tenth commandment - avoid donkey envy.
Holey books — yes — they are “fictions of diction.” Their followers wrote them from memory after these savants died.
‘Ignorant’ centers on ignoring (not looking) and is thus a by-product of not ‘being open’ — “openness is king” - and every king has a mother, so mother is ‘king’ …mothers rule thru nurturing love. Love is connection. Connection is the perfect completeness of openness. The true lover says, “You complete me.”
9/18/2022: If the ‘omnieverythingness,’ God, needs to be loved, what else does this ‘prefect completeness’ lack?
Q: Why did Pterodactyl’s go extinct? A: Probably spelling.
To quote a Pterodactyl, “Scrererererereredrogrogrogroogrgrog.”
If the Middle East is in SouthWest Asia, does that mean that a Sunday New Moon night is second dumbest thing in the universe?
Jesus died on a cross and the Buddha said don’t be cross about dying.
Holey books sounds about right.
9/15/2022: 90% of the truth is written by liars.
“God Save the Queen” merch, half off.
LIVE Update: Queen Dead
Queen Elizabeth II just died, so England has its kingdom back.
9/8/2022: Nostalgia works best with a double dose of amnesia.
If Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy are together, are they both committing their own form of beastiality?
If Winnie-the-Pooh and Cookie Monster both see honey cookies, who wins?
If you ever wanted to know what sun light looks like, look at the moon, it will shine you.
The moon is round. The sun is round. The planets are round. People on the Earth were flatly wrong about whether climate change would ever get around to catching up to us.
After 20 years of banging against a glass ceiling of low expectations, the Flat Earth Society has gone global.
9/5/2022: QAnon - deep state secretive operatives secretly releasing secret information about secretive operatives in the deep state.
Cuss words are a matter of context - discussion is the matter at hand.
To have a written language or not to have a written language — always make the alpha bet.
The DOJ sent the FBI to Mar-a-Lago because as many people said, “It’s about TIME!”
9/4/2022: “Why hasn’t Jesus returned for the second coming?” “He instead chose Plan B.”
If we say the pledge of allegiance before we understand it, are we putting the shopping cart before existence? (The Butter Battle Book - 2:40)
Is history just a footnote to prehistory?
Maybe the world did not end in 1982, but we can all agree that predictions of the end of the world did come true for Trump supporters in 2020. Or did it?
If the Catholic Church excommunicates Protestants and Protestants condemn the Catholics, does that mean heaven will just be full of a bunch of unhappy non-utopian existential Daoists who were hoping it all ended at death?
Did Biden just play his trump?
Could the illuminati and QAnon find each other if they were in the same closet?
8/28/2022: Do you think this universe is the best ONE?
The past is gone and history never ‘was,’ but what we record about the past can write the wrongs of those who left this world in need of improvement.
Think Write
The price of living is the high cost of death.
No inflation, no universe.
What does wheat think the meaning of life is?
8/25/2022: God created the universe and Earth, organized the Jewish people, gave them the Holy Land, destroyed the Roman Empire, created America, and defeated the Nazis all so that you could spend your time on your cell phone on social media fighting with others about who the president of the US should be.
Confucius’s wife says, “Confucius says too much.”
Laozi was born an old wise man, but he died a childish wanderer.
Giordano Bruno died because his ideas were ‘too far out.’
Copernicus died in the same year (1543) he turned the world inside out for everyone else.
Freedom of speech is a costly endeavor if no one listens.
Heretics make better choices.
A child’s mind is open to learning …an adult’s mind is closed by knowledge.
Everything you learn makes you dumber. [Figure out the riddle. :)]
If Jesus had to die for the sins of us all …would you have done him the favor and killed him? Gospel of Judas
8/19/2022: Maybe everything is One …one mess.
God the Father is ok, but I would rather meet his mother.
8/15/2022: All religions have some truth, but no religion is true or Truth. (“Truth is God.” Gandhi …read to it.) Perennial philosophy
The climate is changing in people’s disbelief in global warming.
8/14/2022: Once the fossil fuels are used up, we, to-be-fossils, will live in an hot atmosphere of dislike for ourselves.
With Jesus on his right-hand side, God must keep his remote on the left.
People love pearly gates and hate ivory towers.
The truth is …it probably isn’t.
8/9/2022: Have faith in religious blasphemy to keep us all free from religious tyranny.
Conspiracy theories are fast and fun ways for lazy and ignorant people to know everything. (Thank you for telling us all we need to know.)
What if everything you know to be true is false?
The Quran starts with Al-Fatiha - “the opening” …opennessence. [Surah 2 is …al-Baqarah - the cow/heifer.]
7/29/2022: The Quran is hear-say?
What if the entire universe was created for the cows?
Was there any civilizations with cows that did not worship them?
If white supremacists are so great, why are they so afraid?
If being white is so great, why are so many Americans roasting their skin at the beach and local strip mall?
If the devil is bad, loves to torture/torcher people, and is doomed to eternal punishment, why is he rewarded with his dream job in hell?
If America is a Christian nation, why is it always raising so much hell?
If Adam and Eve AND Buddha had their eyes opened under a fig/bodhi tree, does that mean that once we find ‘good sugar’ we are always suffering without it?
7/25/2022: If America’s founding fathers were enlightenment thinkers, does that make them Buddhists?
Are the fish in the ocean secretly plotting to fill humans with mercury and micro-plastics?
With so much drought and flooding, why isn’t every city digging a giant hole to catch rain water?
Do Second Amendment rights include concealed carry in heaven?
If all dogs go to heaven, then why are they having such of hell of a time in the Bible?
Which of the three Ten Commandments lists in the Bible is your favorite …if you see them like a donkey does it is certainly not the one in Exodus 34?
In considering the 10th Commandment, how much donkey covetousness was going on back then?
Our sun god is higher than your sun god.
No matter how hard people try to stop Buddhism, it never seems to suffer.
If galactic aliens arrive with Manifest Destiny…
If Queen Elizabeth rules for 200 years, does it finally become a Queendom?
The “right to life” is in Article VIII of the Constitution.
The preamble to the Constitution is pro-Welfare.
Two things the All Seeing Eye could never see …itself wearing eye lashes or an eye lid.
What was Gilgamesh’s view on white supremacy?
Ultimate irony, Las Vegas is the king of waisted money but it is the queen of saving water.
At some level, does it just become the Hoover Wall?
America is an experiment? So, when do we read the results? …my guess is… “very acidic.”
The first rule of anarchy is there are no rules of anarchy.
1 BCE and zero days AND 1 CE and zero days are the same… TIME …but coupled with confusion. Probably AM, but maybe PM. And certainly ampersand. It’s goofing time …somewhere …but here it is time for witticisms.
THE START (7/11/2022) -- Couplets come best in twos.