Consciousness Projection - its all in your head

When we see a man in the moon or a picture of fish/pisces in the stars, we are projecting a meaningful schema (mental form) or vision from our own minds into that reality. Neither the man nor the fish are there.

If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a many to fish, you feed him for life. If you put the fish in his mind, he has food for thought and that becomes the essence of his life.

When we see a bear, we both see the actual bear via actual visible light and as a projection of our consciousness.

Since our ‘brain’ almost always has ‘mind,’ it is almost always projecting our consciousness at everything.

When a child does not understand “danger” it is because that child does not have the mental forms or mindset or mental constructs that adults have, of that reality.

Consciousness projection is when you project your mind’s own consciousness into an experiential situation. Your consciousness is always only in your head. That is true even when your pet rock is happy that you put it in a sun ray of the morning sun. Though it may be true that the rock is happier in the sun, it totally isn’t. The rock is indecisive about this great reality and must rely upon you to do its thinking for it — you rock head.

There are patterns in the world whether we see them or not. But there are also patterns in the world only because we see them that way. The zodiac is a great example of patterns that are not there. We add/project the meaning into the night sky. The meaning comes from how we personally relate to it. We decided to make the sky into 12 sections. We “saw” the pictures in a small number of “stars.” Remember some of them are actually galaxies. We made up the horoscopes in the loopy part of our mind. However, your horoscope is correct that you are a “boldly shy conservative risk taker who seeks the meaning of small moments and should consider talking to someone new today.” Astrology is easily the second silliest pseudo-science/religion humans have made. My Little Pony is number one — go Rainbow Dash, “Friendship is magic.”

Consciousness projection is part of every element of your life. As sentient beings, we synthesis the inputs of our senses into the memories that are imbedded into the patterned circuitry of our minds. Our minds ‘conjure’ ideas/images that we project or impose over these world realities — that are outside of and beyond us.

We are projecting a movie, our mental movie, onto the world. That movie allows our pet rock to talk to us and our house to welcome us home. The inanimate objects of the world join the animate beings, but we are still consciously projecting our mind and ideas onto all of them. Since we have a mind, we assume that they do to — “theory of mind” — whether they actually do have a mind or not. We ‘humanimate’ everything into a community that is our own private personal world.

Humans are social. We make the whole world our community of friends. Your pet rock and you have a running relationship and it knows you well, even if you often disagree. That rock may be smarter than you, but somehow you know if it is just fooling itself. No matter what you say to it, it just doesn’t quite get it. Your dog is a love happy doofus, but your rock is a little dense. However, you stand on the center stage of your life and hold it all together for all of these silly mental characters. The friendships and relationships you create with them, “all in your head,” are true magic.

Alan Hagedorn