Does anyone READ the Bible?
FYI - ‘Bible’ comes from the Phoenician city Byblos and just means ‘book’
Abraham had 12 sons from his third wife Keturah “the most ignored significant person in the Torah.” And maybe some daughters there too…
Moses killed a man and escaped east even farther than the Sinai Peninsula - Hebrews criticized him for it
God killed the Jews that made the golden calf, but later Jews who touched a dead body have to sacrifice a red heifer in order to purify themselves.
The 10th commandment tells you not to covet your neighbor’s donkey?
The King of Judah, Ahaz, paid the Assyrians to destroy the Kingdom of Israel and also gave sacred temple items to supplement the payment after the fact
One of the alters in the temple, burnt offerings, was actually a barbeque. Some sacrifices were eaten and others (actual literally ‘burnt offerings’ — holocausts) were not.
King Solomon, the smartest man to have ever lived, took the Jews freed from construction slavery in Egypt and had them turn their newly conquered people into construction slaves.
King Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived, ‘wrote’ the book of Proverbs in order to raise his son to be his great successor. He was a knuckle head - literally.
The Romans let the Jews rule themselves and they did, though their Jewish rulers were lawless miscreants. John the Baptist lost his head when he made fun of a Jewish ruler, Herod Antipas, for marrying another woman, his sister-in-law, after divorcing his first wife (a Nabatean princess). His new wife, the divorcee Herodias, obviously did about the same thing. It was in the past (and similar to the Egyptians) but it is really one of history’s biggest murderous-incestuous (Herod Antipas married to Herodias) tales.
It is disputed if Jesus cleansed/attacked the Jewish temple once or twice.