Every Religion is a Bridge to (an) OPENing

Many theories have been posed for the origins of ‘religion.’

Of course ‘religion’ is “the made up stuff of others,” …mine is, well, the TRUTH.

The etymology of the word religion is to bind together — like a twine. But what are we all connected/twisted into?

Did religion start as a solution and/or collection of rituals of what to do with the dead (members of a societal group)? That is one time in human life where tough decisions can no longer be put off. Something must be done. Maybe it is.

Did religion start as a formalization of rituals/rules for what to do when we played? Throw a rock. When? After a full moon? Where? To the East? Why? To ask for the moon to cycle through again for the next month? Who? Your old uncle … … …the thrower …. … …the priest — who knows what rock, what direction, how far, for what reason, and how and why it all started?

The etymological root of the word “God” is to sprinkle libations (liquids). The root for deity (deus) is to shine. Son obvious light and liquids play a big roll in religion.

So what are religions doing? They are opening a bridge for people into …life itself, to society itself (or into a special society), into being, into meaning, and into experience(s). All of these bridges are in essence openings. Opennessence is the ‘essential’ goal of them all. Be OPEN.

Alan Hagedorn