Fertilize Your Mind - 'God' Aborts Over 70% of All Zygotes?
Don’t take my word for it.
Here is a ‘counter’ argument, yet it averages it out to about 50%
If that doesn’t complicate your mind, Genesis 38 will get your goat. Read it all. Chapter 37 gives it good context. Chapter 39 is the chapter everyone knows.
But in chapter 38, Judah…
[the son of Jacob (who stole his older brother Easu’s birth rights) who was the son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham (who was promised many offspring)]
…sleeps with a ‘temple prostitute’ which he pays and who is also his daughter-in-law.
FYI - the name Judah is where the Kingdom of Judah, the land of Judea, and word “Jew” originate.
Yah, it is best to read that chapter 38 for yourself. Additionally, Judah was not one of the wicked ones that were killed in that chapter. Those were his first two adult sons. After his two adult sons are killed for being wicked, he still owes Tamar, his daughter-in-law, a child. She ‘steals’ it from that ‘old goat’.
Don’t ask me what you are supposed to get from all of that. But this Bible passage does cry over spilled seed. That is the part of the story that gets the most attention from scholars.
As Monty Python says in the movie the Meaning of Life, “Every sperm is sacred.” It is said ovar and ovar in a song/skit with that same name and can be easily found on the Internet by merely typing in that sentence.
If you are looking for me to tell you what to do with (or what to think about) all of those items/ideas, I say that since the sun does not offer me those answers nor will I.
In all good consciousness, I am only here to fertilize your mind.
It is your seed to feed with reading and to water to fruitful growth.
GO FIGure. :)