How and why every religion is lying to you - Draft
No religion has one tale to tell.
The fact the St. Paul is considered a co-creator of Christianity is a great example of this. Hillel the Elder greatly reshaped Judaism and Jesus did too.
No religion can control its shape.
Hinduism is not considered a ‘religion’ but a collection of cultural traditions/religions because though most of its core elements are found in each and every community it varies in each temple and community. Religions often refer to water in order to explain how and why this is so.
No religion can freeze itself in time.
Every religion tries to tame time but setting a calendar that starts at the religion creation, but no religion every does a good job of freezing itself as it was at the lighting of its Zoroastrian external flame.
No religion can resist to blend across space.
Geography impacts culture the most and religion cannot stop rain forest dwelling pig ‘farmers’ why why pigs are ‘unclean’ and therefore not good for consumption by their families.
No religion can shed the changes made by its later leaders.
The Hadiths of Islam are not in the complete and final word (the Qur’an), but they are also take as true and some seem to consider them as more true and important as parts of the Qur’an itself. Christianity has the Apocrypha. Menicus wrote Menicus and added ideas to Confucianism.
No religion can withstand translation or remain in one language.
In a large round Earth, many cultures arise with their own languages. Nothing can be accurate translated between languages. Islam has taken the position of non-translatability. Hinduism even claims that its books cannot be written at all — only oral versions can be legit. Not only is it difficult to translate books and sentences/verses/ayahs but mere words just don’t quite transport from one language/culture to another. Confucian “Ren has been translated as "benevolence", "perfect virtue", "goodness" or even "human-heartedness". (Wikipedia/Ren(philosophy))
No religion can resist its desire to take ultimate control of the state.
Buddhism in Myanmar, the Vatican, ISIS/ISIL, Iran, and religious autocracy everywhere has sought absolute political control. Theocracy sees democracy as evil..
No religion can resist a state that seeks to control it so it can control the people.
Religion uses the ‘violent’ arms of the state to police the people and force them to wear symbols of the religion, complete rituals of the religion, and avoid compelling systems/religions.
No religion can protect itself from the trends of popular culture that will commercialize it.
Christianity swerved and shifted until it became symbolized the ‘cross’ and Christmas became its largest holiday in Catholicism and Protestantism. Most religions have a complex relationship with the symbol used to represent it.
No religion can fight off every attempt to change it in an effort to spread it for preservation.
Religions often see themselves in an existential crisis where their survival is only possible in a situation where they out-compete other religions. In their driving quest to enter new markets, they absorb local traditions in order to please their new converts. The Day f the Dead in Mexico became a new tradition in Roman Catholicism. Buddhism left India and became Shaolin and Chen in China and Zen in Japan.