Liberalism has already won for Good
Conservative Crusader Leonard Leo says he wants to “crush liberal dominance”…
Liberalism has already won… …You are not going to put these back into the box.
Traditional Conservatism is long gone …they may live on as “economic liberals’
America has already…
Adopted the dubiously secularized preamble to the Declaration of Independence
Adopted the secular Constitution
Adopted freedom from and of religion in Bill of Rights
Chose freedom on speech, press, government interaction, and assembly
Chose to end private slavery
Allowed human dissection
Ended official state-level religions
Ended 200+ years of American explicit color racism - Black slavery, massive post-Civil War massacres, Black codes, voter suppression, lynchings, the KKK, segregation, racial marriage prohibitions, redlining, and mortgage discrimination
Promoted Civil Rights
Started to remove college legacy admissions
Ended cultural cleansing of Native Americans
Promoted equality, affirmative action, social justice, ESG, and DEI — ESG is alive and kicking today
Shown tolerance toward Catholics
Shown tolerance for Jews
Adopted religious pluralism
Adopted world holidays
Embraced yoga
Blanketed itself in Buddhism and meditation
Allowed women’s suffrage (voting)
Allowed female ownership
Allowed female rights in marriage
Ended the Comstock Act
Stopped controlling how people wear their hair, dress and look
Ended “white slavery”
Allowed gays in the military - openly
Let females in military
Promoted females into combat
Offered many pregnancy choice
Eliminated sodomy laws
Returned to allowing immigration of the Chinese
‘Damned’ the west to become a sin city for conservative families
Allowed gay marriage
Permitted gay adoption
Legalized lotteries
Returned to gambling
Ended prohibition - thank Jesus for that
Allowance of lower and middle class into college - GI Bill
Returned the Japanese to American life
Promoted gluttony with cheap fast food
Centered itself on greed - cheap consumer goods
Re-legalized marijuana — or at least decriminalized it
Developed artificial hearts
Used cadaver transplants
Allowed other species transplants
Promoted full vaccination(s)
Established family protection centers
Decriminalization drug abuse and enhanced rehabilitation
Allowed sports gambling
Promoted IVF, et al.
Pushed organ transplants
Accepted transgender rights
Developed gender transition
Developed female pastors/ministers
Passed national health care
Tolerated Evangelicals
Welcomed agnosticism
Launched the rise of the religious 'nones'
Embraced cremation
Promoted green energy, carbon neutrality, and pollution reduction
Validated evolution
Restored felon voting rights
Acknowledgement PTSD and provided treatment
Realized that the 10 Commandments were willful abandoned by Christians in the Bible like circumcision - Romans 7:1-7, Ephesians 2:15
That is not even close to the reforms that progressive social liberals have given to American and that are not going to change.