National OpenNessEnce Day is Friday 11/4/2022
This is the fourth celebration of this day. The 4th celebration of the 4th.
The original date was set to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of Sesame Street - 11/9/2019.
OpenNessEnce is OPEN to all. It is open to people of differing political, social, and economic realities, but it does encourage a world with greater openness.
In a world of rivaling religions, states, and peoples AND battles between liberalism and conservatism, capitalism and communism, and unifiers and pluralists, opennessence calls for more openness. It is not an absolutist proposition, but an aspiring virtue.
It liberates people through conservation, capitalizes on the common, and unifies pluralists.
OpenNessEnce unifies people through the natural dynamism of humanity.
Humans will wiggle and squiggle and go all about, but they do it on ONE Earth.
CeleBratE — C BEing open can be good for all. :) Be Open 2 Happiness
‘Centergy’ can spread good happiness 2 the world.
A freshly hatched Little Loopy Newton is the mascot for the great day.
The day was a great success as 100s of people on Indy’s south side received celebratory items. :)