O -- Idea -- Oh! Eye See
The letter O in our alphabet is an eye.
How I just learned this by chance I am not sure. Alpha is a bull’s head upside down and B is a house. Ha, the eco of economics and ecology are both house in Greek. In a way, they are both the same word and idea. The word idea goes back to a root meaning to see.
The letter O and the word Idea mean/are to see.
Opennessence is an ideology — but not a political one, as ideology can sometimes mean. Ideology actually has a wider and older meaning than that. Yes, the more recent political tinge that ideology has today somewhat limits that word, but such is the nature of words. It still has use, and it still has use here.
The Opennessence Ideology is a way of seeing things as they are.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” William Blake (“For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”)
Be Open for the alternatives are a waste of mind/time.