Seek Out Your Opposite

Today, many people live in ‘echo chambers’ where they only hear messages, opinions, and ‘facts’ that agree with themselves. We know that ‘confirmation bias’ makes us feel great. We love praise. We love ‘the win.’ Winning teams are always “brothers” and losing teams are rife with divisive blame and isolation.

We love hearing that we are right.

Humans are fickle and weak. You are human. Are you fickle and weak? No? Prove it. Seek out your opposite.

Find people who disagree with you and listen to them explain their views. Ask them many questions that search out their ideas RATHER than to trying to refute their views. Look closely at their evidence. Ask open-ended and open-minded questions that help them flesh out and strengthen their views.

Don’t wait patiently to get your turn to “win.” Don’t hope to get your chance to convince them of your views.

Find, ask and learn. Broaden your proxy-life-experiences by seeing the world as others do.

It doesn’t mean you are weak. It doesn’t make you weak. It shows that you are smart and strong. It makes you strong. Good listeners ultimately become good leaders.

Everyone has a story. Everyone has a lesson. Everyone has a message. Everyone has value. Everyone can help you make your own life more meaningful and successful.

No, you do not have to agree with them some or at all. But their ideas and views are both part of the mosaic of humanity. Most mosaics are not made of only one color. Different colors create dynamism, depth, and many dimensions.

Seek your opposite and cherish them, for they will help you see yourself better and more clearly.

Alan Hagedorn