The GREATest senTENces of all time - an ever-emerging list - which is the BEST SENT ENCE ?
“The world bubbles forth.” Heraclitus Emergence Theory
“Emerging ‘existence’ experiences consciously purposeful creation(s) pursuing meaningful reflection(s), opening human flourishing.” OpenNessEnceOmniEveryThingNess
“The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.” — Thales of Miletus
“Good truly opens your heart and mind to happiness.” The UNIverse
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates Socratic Examination
“The UNIverse emerged, so experience time and space by honestly creating goodness, so that you can enjoy an open-meaningful-happy life.”
Alan 3:16
“I am a citizen of the world.” — Diogenes
“Since birth, this is my AFTAlife.” AH
“Don’t draw a boundary around the boundless” Zhuangzi
“You open yourself as wide as you can for as long as you can; and help others open themselves as wide as they can for as long as they can; in order to create as much good as we can for as many people as we can for as long as will be.” The ultimate answer to the ultimate question …”How does a purposeful meaning of life emerge?”
Bonus “All Beings Can Discover Every Facet of Good Happiness Inside by Just Knowing the eLeMeNt OPennessence — Question Religion and Science Through Universe Virtues and We’ll Xross over manY horiZons.”
As they see it: