The Prediction - All 52 in 30

American demographic shifts galore —

1) rising progressive liberalism [it is coming more and more and more no matter what anyone does about it or there is no future for humanity]

2) increasing levels of education

3) decreasing amounts of religious extremism relative to secularism

4) rising social consciousnesses and environmentalism

5) the emergence of the ‘Nones’

6) greater global connectivity and dependency

7) greater degrees of technological innovation

8) more networked financial and corporate markets with increasing pressures for openness to suppliers and from customers

9 ) greater radicalization of popular culture outlets and fusions

10) growing numbers of very diverse immigrants in a world of migration

11) greatly increasing populations pressuring carrying capacities

12) a global emergence of OpenNessEnce

— I do hereby declare that in the next 30 years all 52 US states will have completely legalized abortions at nearly anytime and under any circumstance completely for free.

Opennessence has no opinion or position on abortion, but it is one of the great global trends of the future that will create a new world. It will become the greatest of all human jewels, truths, ‘gods’, virtues, values, developments, realizations, transcendences, experiences, manifestations, and emergences.

“Meaning lies as much in the mind of the reader as in the Haiku.” “For now, what is important is not finding the answer, but looking for it.” Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid “In the end, we self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages are little miracles of self-reference.” “A mirror mirroring a mirror.” “It is curious, how one often mistrusts one’s own opinions if they are stated by someone else.” I Am a Strange Loop. Douglas R. Hofstadter

Does Jainism’s respect of all sentient life or science’s theory of the emerging consciousness win?

Sentient-life absolutism versus consciousness-emergent relativism is the competition.

As traditional Western religions fade, the concepts of the male-only ‘seed’ and deity-placed soul will fade because of their lack of evidence and scientific usefulness.

If human progress continues into future scientific frontiers and philosophical enlightenments, abortion policies will align with pragmatic circumstantial realties of the ‘present’ and not dwell on unprovable futures with dubiously-crafted explanations.

Mathematics will subtract uncertainty wherever/whenever mysticism cannot add much of use to it. This has been the machine of progress in civilization. You can pray to be healed, but go to your doctor if you are really serious about getting better. If prayer and the doctor were ever equal, they certainly are not now.

John 3:8 New International VersionThe wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

But we can now tell about this ‘wind’. Science has subtracted the uncertainty about when there will be wind, how much, from what direction, and why it is there? The mystery is reduced and a new knowing was added in its place.


Alan Hagedorn