The Syn Thesis
Have you ever listened to music? Ever listened to a remix? Ever listened to the universe? Everything in the universe is a remix.
“The Syn Thesis” simply says that everything is “a mixing.” This idea says almost nothing, unless you believe it; then, it says everything.
Little ideas weigh in the fabric of the universe with great gravitas. Light photons, both as waves and as particles, pull us across the universe with great force by our mere observation of them as far away stars. Memes, cultural idea packets that infect our lives and minds, pass through us like the infinite and the nearly undetectable neutrinos - billions of which go through your eye every second and never actually touch you.
“The Syn Thesis” is a similar nothingness that is everything.
It is not quite Hinduism’s Brahma - the “supreme” energy and essence of the universe. Nor is it the Greek quintessential (fifth and most important element of the universe) aether - the great connector of all that is in the universe. Nor is it the Indo-European “heaven” or the Indo-Aryan “akasha” (sky) or the Chinese “tiān” (sky)(天).
Though it is not as high-minded as these things, it is even more essential. It says that essentially all that is within these realms are mixing and remixing continually into each other creating new observable elements in the universe.
This is true of colliding galaxies, true of binary tidal-locked stars, true of smashing meteors, true of intermingling nations, true of cross-culture fusion foods, true of the flavors in Neapolitan ice cream and rainbow sherbet, and true of children from two parents.
The idea that humans could stop “The Syn Thesis” from imposing its “will” has captured our attention since the beginning. Languages have resisted new words, nations have resisted the inclusion of outsiders, religions have resisted heretical/change movements, restaurant franchises have standardized their products as if they were railroad gauges or Fordism’s interchangeable parts, and scientific hybrid-seed agriculture has worked to create entire fields of only one exact same DNA crop/plant. Ironically, the “modern world” strived for perfecting its scientific creations and preventing any “mixing,” all while and at the same time modern art fought a seemingly violent war against the traditions and “forms” of the past.
Identical twins never are. Each twin is constantly “remixing” themselves with their experiences. The older they get, the more they drift apart even as they can continually intermingle and remix or synthesize with each other.
“Syn” means together. A “thesis” is an argument. Synthesis itself means to mix together. “The Syn Thesis” is like neutrons and protons bonding by sharing even smaller subatomic particles called mesons.
Humans think that things are separable and isolatable, but they are not. They are always mixing at ever more lower and higher levels. Nationalist movements try to fabric a “sameness” that both locks all of their members into one unchanging and identifiable state and often they try to block outside influences from changing them. But this just cannot be done because the “Syn Thesis” says mixing and change will always occur.
Male/female reproduction bolsters the efficiency of this great force/system by constantly mixing DNA to create new people, new outcomes, new possibilities, and new futures. The “science” of the modern world works parallel to these recent nationalist movements in trying to stop much change and in attempting to control everything in a state that it/they could wield to its/their advantage.
Change always wins because mixing will always occur exactly because of the “Syn Thesis” - the reality that the force of mixing and intermingling is so great, occurs so many ways simultaneously, and will never stop.