The Two Great Trinities - Speaking Open-handedly about Emergent Consciousness

3 Great Science Questions 3 Quests for Creative Superlativeness

1. Existence beSuper-consciousness know that "I am"

2. Life survive Super-handedness create new thriving enviros

3. Consciousness ...awarenessComplex speech ...say realities into being

Where did it all come from? How did life start? How did consciousness emerge?

How self-reflective consciousness arose? How hands grasped unique creations? How words wrote minds?

Homo sapiens sapiens - or super knowers - have handed the universe its first self-portraits taken by the Hubble satellite and seek to complete the photo album with the universe’s baby snapshots taken by the new James Webb tele-satellite. These images speak for themselves. Existence is. The hand of god lives in the mind of (our) self-reflective awareness. Humans are the universe looking at itself. What we see leaves us speechless.

Boom …loom …zoom.

FYI: Humans are not the only specious with some degree of consciousness, handedness, or speech.

Alan Hagedorn