The Unstoppable Force is Time - 3:16 - The Great(est) Commencement - "The 12 Words"
The Great(est) Commencement:
“Emerging ‘existence’ experiences consciously purposeful creation(s) pursuing meaningful reflection(s), opening human flourishing.” Alan Hagedorn
“The 12 Words” …that say it all — 10 characters in 12 spaces
Can a sentence contain more “OpenNessEnceOmniEveryThingNess” than that?
Alan the WitchThorn knows that the boundaries of this cosmic realm is in human consciousness’s grasp.
EmerGingOpenNessEnce is the cosmic mind of the UNIverse.
Draft 2: “Emerging ‘existence’ experiences illuminating consciousness’s purposeful creations ‘n’ meaningful reflections, opening human flourishing.” Alan Hagedorn