Be More ...a tribute to commercial 'jewels'
From Stay Curious to Be More PBS has really kept us youthful.
Be More commercials that should be watched by all. 2nd version of “emperor”
What the Be more campaign was… …. and more on that.
In 2002, it was the Be More commercials that led me to create “Be good, be true, be you.” Later “be empathetic” [a pathetic choice on my part and why didn’t I choose caring or compassionate] and “be creative” became be “open-hearted” and “be open-minded” [which had a commercial itself] which work great with the thumb and index finger which make an “O”.
It was at this time that I was reading ‘Daoism’, Zhuangzi Speaks, Winnie-the-Pooh, and A Theory of Everything. My kids were both born and I wanted to teach them all of life’s greatest lessons by five and put these lessons in their fingers so they would never forget. I tinkered with many ideas in a short time and walla, there it was.
Big Bird will show you how to find it.
Unbox it - “think without a box” was my campaign at that time — buttons and all
Create Great. :)