'Nones' - of your business
None are projected to pass up Christians in 2039.
Professing Christians have fallen from 78% - 63%, or down15% from 2007 - 2021in 14 years.
During that same time, ‘Nones’ — “people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religious identity” (Pew Research) —went from 16% - 29% 0r up 13%.
It is too obvious that these lines are projected to cross in the future. Statistics say that year is 2039, or only 17 years from now. The ‘nones’ will have the upper hand with the Temple of the Dog ‘Wooden Jesus’.
“Under God” was slipped into the pledge of allegiance. “In God We trust” slipped through the side door to become the nation’s official motto, and in defiance of its reverse/opposite side “E Plurbus Unum”
Led by justice Antonin Scalia, the phrases “under God” and “In God We Trust” were dubbed civic religion and therefore secular. You will need to look into this yourself. There is a lot to read here, but I cannot find a quick easy article about it.
The US nation passed laws across the many states, because of the Alec law writing system, such that in 2005 they mandated the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. Students are having ‘none’ of that.
Many states produced “In God We Trust” vanity plates. They are paid for by tax dollars, even though it was disputed.
Texas is mandating “In God We Trust” signs in schools, if they are voluntarily given. They are being donated en masse. The “In Brahma We Trust” will be hanging in schools before this is over. The Nones will rise in same boldness as the Satanic Temple in Florida. Ten Commandments …how about Baphomet. To hell with the devil and to Texas with Satan’s plan.
Nones are emerging from everywhere, and they hope to save themselves from America and America from themselves as they do. This song ironically satires this emerging population itself.
An article of this trend, but it has been coming for half a decade.