Experience - Meaning —— Minds - Emerge

Sensing - Remembering

Feeling - Connecting

Thinking - Reformulating-

The ‘seam’ of life is a path between the now and then..

A seam between experiencing n meaning …‘seems’ but never quite is.

We process the ‘now’ world, then we program the then emerging ‘whirl’ that bubbles forth in our minds.

“Feeling without symbolization is blind; symbolization with feeling is empty.” (from a review of Eugene Gendlin’s book Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning in the Journal of Humanistic Philosophy.

“The development of mind initiates with the activation of our senses, for they are, as Susanne Langer (1937) once said, outposts of the mind: there is nothing in the head that was not first in the hand.” The Arts and the Creation of the Mind, page 3

“…humans do not come into the world with minds; they come into the world with brains. Minds are forms of cultural achievement. Brains are biological resources. The task of education, socialization, and acculturation is to transform brains into minds. Minds come into existence as individuals secure varied forms of experience in the course of their lives and, through those forms of experience, learn to think.” The Arts and the Creation of the Mind, page 3

“But even when treated imaginatively, the social value of an image or idea does not secure importance unless something else happens - the second process, the transformation of what has been imagined into some public form. In short, the contents of consciousness need to be made public; they need to be represented.” The Arts and the Creation of the Mind, page 3-4 Me — “come back ‘to hand’.”

If beyond experiencing and meaning there is something, anything else …what else? Being? Essence? Becoming? Aether? God? Good? Brahma?

The UNIverse? Omnieverythingness?

Alan Hagedorn