The Three Laws/Theories of SOCIODYNAMICS
You have heard of the three laws of thermodynamics (3), Newton’s laws of motion (3), and Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity.
Are these laws or theories? The difference may not be what you expect. There isn’t a superiority hierarchy between them — as many suppose.
I shall treat these SOCIODYNAMICS as both.
Law 1: Emergence theory - more complex order can spontaneously arise from less complex order. See Your Inner Fish
Law 2: Opennessence theory - it is of the nature of humans to open to phenomenon and process (and sometimes ritualize) these experiences into memory, meaning, and eventually nostalgia — thus emerging as ‘new’ entitites. See Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - Akasha
Law 3: Syncretism theory - (the SYNthesis) — new manifest elements/entities emerge as entanglements/fusions of previous non-interacting realities that frequently recombine and morph exponentially with each newly added element
Plus ‘adjacent possible’ - a new possibility opens a person/agent to many new (and previously inaccessible) options
Plus the Tri-Polar Political Matrix - Progressive - Conservative - Libertarian