Hagedornisms - The Utmost Official List of Omnieverythingness
What if everything you know to be true is false?
What if everything you know to be false is true?
No day is free because they all cost 24 hours.
In existence, time and space co-emerge from each other in what we call experience.
Though it may be the only honest thing we do, could art exist without lying?
The UNIverse “Good truly opens your heart -n- mind 2 happiness.”
OpenNessEnce is humanity’s greatest IDEA.
“The UNIverse emerged, so experience time and space by honestly creating goodness, so that you can enjoy an open and happy life.” Alan 3:16
Everything you learn makes you dumber.
Being neither truly wave or particle, light seems a little dim.
Follow ‘whys’ to the truth. (Be a ‘whys’ human.)