'Crazy' circles in history
Whereas, Hillsdale College is having an over-sized moment in history curriculum discussions at this time.
Everyone at the upcoming 2024 conference is from their school:
Whereas, Hillsdale College's Free Will Baptists are an extension of the English General Baptist movement which was founded by Thomas Helwys.
Whereas, Thomas Helwys was 'killed' by King James I in 1616 for obvious statements of anarchical libertarianism.
There are some amazing quotes by Helwys in the second half of this. http://www.centerforbaptiststudies.org/resources/iniquity.htm
Therefore, Hillsdale College has refused to comply with Title IX, strongly required the King James (translation/version of) Bible be used by all officers and ministers of the university, and recommended the Great Books curriculum of Mortimer Adler (a Jewish-pagan-Catholic-sympathizer who eventually was baptized Episcopalian (sort of an 'opposite' to the Baptists)).
Item V. The Scriptures B.
One of the complex people in history, starting with writing a book
about witches that led to the Salem Witch Trials...
YES, yes...
...Hillsdale College strongly recommends/requires the use of The bible [for a very strict and conservative institutional and curricular programming] of the person that killed the founder of their movement because he asked/demanded for absolute religious freedom
...and they use it in companionship with an Aristotelian humanities program created by another one of their rivals – a Catholic-sympathizing Episcopalian.
Two other things should be mentioned here:
Though King James I is widely believed to have been bisexual/homosexual, the KJV Bible attributed to him has been used as an ‘exclusive’ authority by many Christian groups to refute that same gay lifestyle.
Though King James I’s aunt Queen Elizabeth I was a powerful domineering force in English history, his book the Daemonologie was largely used to oppress independently-minded, powerful, and free women.