'Crazy' circles in history

Whereas, Hillsdale College is having an over-sized moment in history curriculum discussions at this time.



Everyone at the upcoming 2024 conference is from their school: 


Whereas, Hillsdale College's Free Will Baptists are an extension of the English General Baptist movement which was founded by Thomas Helwys. 


Whereas, Thomas Helwys was 'killed' by King James I in 1616 for obvious statements of anarchical libertarianism. 

There are some amazing quotes by Helwys in the second half of this.       http://www.centerforbaptiststudies.org/resources/iniquity.htm

Therefore, Hillsdale College has refused to comply with Title IX, strongly required the King James (translation/version of) Bible be used by all officers and ministers of the university, and recommended the Great Books curriculum of Mortimer Adler (a Jewish-pagan-Catholic-sympathizer who eventually was baptized Episcopalian (sort of an 'opposite' to the Baptists)).


Item V. The Scriptures  B.


One of the complex people in history, starting with writing a book

about witches that led to the Salem Witch Trials... 


YES, yes...    

...Hillsdale College strongly recommends/requires the use of The bible [for a very strict and conservative institutional and curricular programming] of the person that killed the founder of their movement because he asked/demanded for absolute religious freedom   

...and they use it in companionship with an Aristotelian humanities program created by another one of their rivals – a Catholic-sympathizing Episcopalian.

Two other things should be mentioned here:

  1. Though King James I is widely believed to have been bisexual/homosexual, the KJV Bible attributed to him has been used as an ‘exclusive’ authority by many Christian groups to refute that same gay lifestyle.

  2. Though King James I’s aunt Queen Elizabeth I was a powerful domineering force in English history, his book the Daemonologie was largely used to oppress independently-minded, powerful, and free women.

Alan Hagedorn