King James I of England was a Queen?
This is not an article about King Iames. Yes, English did not have a “J’ during his lifetime, so he went by Iames. [This is discussed in more detail in a prior post.]
This is not an article about his sexuality. This is an article about America today.
King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England.
England, as did many kingdoms at this time, struggled with securing heirs to assume thrones AND managing religions to ‘rule by’.
1. What religion/Christianity should the state be?
2. What religion/Christianity should be the official religion?
3. Should any other religions/Christianities be allowed?
4. Should any other religions/Christianities be disallowed?
5. What religions/Christianities should be persecuted?
6. What religions/Christianities should be banished and/or purged from the land — even killed off?
James I son, Charles I, was executed at the end of the English Civil War, partially because he could not resolve religious freedom issues in England.
King James I mother died amidst many controversies including disputes over religion and the fears of the future religion of the state.
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible became a favorite of America and later was heavily preferred by American conservative protestant Christians of the ‘King James Only’ movement, it was not quite the same as the latter and/or more recent Bible translations would be.
Though, the KJV is less definitive in issues of sexuality, it was the initial favorite of those who started the modern movements toward restrictive sexuality in American society and politics. Later, versions worked to simplify these cultural issues and thus may have radically changed them via their texts and their original intentions.
But King James I himself is a very complex subject of intrigue, speculation, and probable aberration, so start here and consider for yourself. It is not for me to say who King James I was or what all of this could or should mean, but let the facts be as they are and see how that impacts your/peoples’ views.
In both of these investigative studies, evidence should speak for itself and for its time …and modern interpretations should be separated from source materials so as to speak for themselves in their own context.