Avant-Garde -- And Going Forward
The ‘advanced guard’ (avant-garde) often must linger for a time while society bakes and new ideas resonant.
Will they cook or will they burn?
Democracy and capitalism are still cooking. The End of History claimed that they were pinnacle of human history and have finally arrived, but now we wonder if Fukuyama was premature.
“The End of History was never linked to a specifically American model of social or political organization. Following Alexandre Koieve, the Russian-French philosopher who inspired my original argument, I believe that the European Union more accurately reflects what the world will look like at the end of history than the contemporary United States. The EU's attempt to transcend sovereignty and traditional power politics by establishing a transnational rule of law is much more in line with a "post-historical" world than the Americans' continuing belief in God, national sovereignty, and their military.” Francis Fukuyama (2007-04-03). The history at the end of history. The Guardian. Retrieved 2008-06-18
Democracy is an open invitation to participate and capitalism is an open invitation to accumulate (inputs/resources, production, sales, markets, and profits)…
Could it aptly be called ‘Your Open Life Game’?
Can you win? Can we win? Can we all win? Do we all ‘win’ even if we don’t actually win — or end up on top?
Can we all win — where some do win and end up on top and yet no one actually ‘loses’ or is left out from the good created by the ‘game’?
Is 1) guaranteed health care, 2) housing for all, and 3) guaranteed income a way to make sure that there are no actual losers in the game?
Can democracy capitalize on the good will and good work of its masses and individuals and share their many creations such that everyone (the many) receives at least one ‘share’ of ownership?