Republican or Democrat - Who Cares?

  1. Does America offer health care to all of its residents? No, well then it isn’t great for them — no “life” really puts a damper on the “pursuit of happiness.”

  2. Does America offer top notch prenatal care for women and post-natal care for their babies? No, well it isn’t great for them from the start.

  3. Does America offer top caliber educational opportunities and resources to all of its future voters and workers? No, well it isn’t great for itself.

  4. Does America offer a clean environment to breathe air and drink water? No, well it isn’t great for the citizens it kills.

  5. Does America protect the diversity and survival of its flora and fauna/animals? No, well it isn’t quite that beautiful for them.

  6. Does America liberally invite and reinvigorate new contributors to its experiment? No, well it isn’t much of an open land.

  7. Does America work tireless to help all of its citizens to vote? No, well then it isn’t all that democratic.

  8. Does America fully support its veterans broadly and for life? No, well it isn’t that patriotic.

  9. Does America protect free markets from hegemony and monopoly? No, well it isn’t that capitalistic.

  10. Does America treat every citizen as a full equal — poor, minority ethnic, female, foreign-born, ‘other,’ criminal, disabled, minority religious, etc. — and restore them to this status when the circumstances are against them? No, well then it isn’t a very united state of humanity,

    OPEN is what open does.

Alan Hagedorn