sOcial Opens peOple
'Social' is a civic mission -- "the civic mission" of schools.
In an open society, openness is the greatest virtue.
Democracy is an open society.
Capitalism is an open system.
Open is open. It operates in the open. It is forthright and inviting. It invites criticism and it addresses it directly. It collaborates in the open and it does not apologize for its aims - more and better openness.
Any attempt to close down its efforts are resisted. Any efforts to create a 'closed civic' are thwarted.
OPEN maintains itself by its very nature.
When open criticism and open rebuke meet on an open battlefield, the 'open civic' is born. They need not end their competition once they start, and no one should every close the field to future incursions. It is the anonymous and shadowy elements of the civic arena that seek to control and close the virtuous open civic arena.
Be Open …and listen, learn, collaborate, build, and progress …for all.