Eeyore's Lost and Found

Eeyore: “I feel lost.”

Pooh: “Can I be lost with you, Eeyore?”

Eeyore: “Who am I to say no?” …”Sure.”

Pooh: “Great! …Piglet, hurry up and get lost with us.”

Piglet: “I don’t know. What if I’m no good at getting lost?”

Eeyore: “Now that I am lost, I find I have many friends.”

Pooh: “No one is ever lost when they have good friends!”

Piglet: “Does that mean we are ‘found’ now?”

Eeyore: “Yah, I’m tired of being lost.”

Pooh: “‘Lost’ and ‘found’ feel about the same.”

Piglet: “Can we keep our friendship, even though we’re ‘found’?”

Eeyore: “Sure” …”I’m always here and willing to be anyone’s friend?”

Written by Alan Hagedorn in 2005

Fun videos related to this: Eeyore loses his tail. Eeyore’s new tail.

Donkeys can be without tails.

Alan Hagedorn