Superiority or Diversity -- Which is greater?
The very idea that superiority would not be greater to anything else seems odd.
But be careful with that kind of simple thinking, because many aristocrats (which means superior/supreme, as does brahman) who are at the top of a society deem it only natural to tyrannically supersede all other forms of order/government - everyone should be their servant.
Dogs may not get into heaven (Revelations 22:15) but they do defeat wolves in the game of which is greater. It is true that wolves, like survivalists, can get by just fine with very little. A survivalist’s knife or a wolf’s sharp teeth help them thrive. Science says wolves are naturally smarter than dogs, but they are less socialized.
We know that the superrich tend to fear the loss of their wealth to others and they self isolate for ‘protection’ and self medicate their worries away. Some of these superrich turn to charity work as a means of protection from lives of aforementioned depressing isolation. Wolves are similarly less socialized into ‘large communities’ and tend to be more defensive and ill-tempered.
Dogs/canines are a very diverse human creation (via domestication) from wild wolves. Dogs gave up some of their survivalist attributes and social isolation in order to become more adept at life in human social communities. These dogs mostly became smaller in stature and larger in heart. Their love of humans is now known to be related to how they are chemically rewarded with positive hormones/opiates when they see their owners.
As their teeth and snouts shortened and their heads and bodies shrank, they lost survival instincts but gained social intuitions. Dogs gave up the independence of survival in the wild and gained the benefits of the surpluses in the civilized world.
Snout to snout wolves are vastly superior to dogs, but dogs thrived very happily living inside human civilizations and are another great contributing member of their urban diversities. From hunting companions to rodent exterminators, dogs found many useful roles inside human society and homes, and also they often become enshrouded into the human families themselves — because they mentally/socially bonded directly into the socio-personal “landscape of personalities” inside civilization itself. Today, we recognize that dogs are essentially human as they are protected by humane societies. Millions of people would call their dogs their heaven — their true sources of happiness that greet them into the havens/homes each day.
Dogs were diversified into the many breeds as they joined the ever growing and diversifying human cities and nation-states. Of course these nation-states try to strengthen themselves through unification/nationalism, but they actually do/create more ‘good’ through developing diversity — with its many novel innovations.
Those who cherish superiority often want to standardize and crystallize what is now seen as the ‘best.’ Those who prize diversity know that the variability of diversity begets more growth and advancement, even if it must tolerate many things/realities that on face value seem less ideal. Humans have found great value and usefulness in creating/having many dog breeds seem vastly inferior to wolves in many categories of survival.
Humans that are more sociable survive in civilization better even if they are less likely to succeed in a parking lot fight. Because they know that they would probably lose that fight, they will most often avoid it and spend less time in jail. But jail is only the start of the trouble that the fighter will endure. The sociable and civilized individual will develop friends and acquaintances that enrich their life greatly. It is those social interactions and relationships that give the non-fighter the superiority. Neither they nor their friends need to be superior to anyone else in any way, but their relationships give them the edge.
An entire civilization made of billions of connections between human is the greatness that human civilization has created. Anyone who is marginalized from these interlinking bonds is a loss of potential for the whole civilization and all of its other members. Even the parking lot fighter can be harnessed into a great contributor, but they need to channel their energy ‘for’ rather than ‘against’ the members of the society.
A pro-social and pro-diversity society will benefit from the great dynamism of all the ideas that emerge from all the combinations of ways to accomplish life tasks/solutions.
Living with us, dogs have found their heaven, yet we seem dogged that heaven is something distant and foreign to us, when it is right at hand all the time.
The universe is great because it is diverse and heaven is planet Earth.