The James Webb Satellite may see the Beginning and the End
The light from the oldest galaxies have been traveling to us for the duration of the Universe. The Doppler Effect causes their stars’s light(s) to redshift into infrared wavelengths that James Webb will see. What will we see?
Will this telescope’s sight be a revolution for the world like Galileo’s telescope? From sun spots, moon mountains, and Jupiter’s moons… …to planet atmospheres, uber old Stars (most no longer in existence any more), and our beginnings.
Just a few years ago the estimate of the Universe’s age moved from 13.7 Billion to 13.8 Billion years. Precision is an art of fluctuating back and forth until you can no longer can do so any more.
In 2022, it seems like humanity is in a race to figure out everything about reality — DNA, quantum mechanics, the Higgs Boson (done), how to create artificial life (close), cloning, immortality, the Big Bang, the emergence of human consciousness.
The sky above us used to be the whole universe to earlier humans, but it is not so limited any more. The Earth used to just be Afro-Eurasia landmass surrounded by one ocean. The sun used to be a small very hot sphere in the sky. ‘The end of the world’ used to mean the end of an age — world’s ended with a massive socio-political change at the end of each age/era, but today the phrase means the end of human life on Earth.
Scale is so unknowable, but we know that those prior scales were contorted. We have found the world’s oldest zero (‘o’) and the oldest know letter ‘A'.’ Gobekli Tepe gives us our oldest temple. The Xia Dynasty is found in the Eriltou culture of China. Troy has been found. The lost city of Atlantis has been found. The Lost Paradise of Dilmun (Garden of Eden) is a water park in Bahrain. The land of the golden fleece in the Colchis has been found in Russia. The Botai domesticated the horse and the Yamnaya spread horse domestication to Europe and India along with their language — the Indo-European languages. The oldest tools, footprints, upright hip bones, and Homo sapiens sapiens have been found in Africa.
Maybe, now that we are winding down all of our searches for all of our beginnings, it is time for the end. Opennessence is our nature, our kind, and our purpose. Once we have opened it all, know it all, have full consciousness, maybe the search is over. If it was all about a search or the search, then seeing the beginning is the end of the search.
Infinity ∞ is but a O (zero) with a twist.