The Beginning of the End of the American Teaching Profession
No Child Left Behind was a perversion of a 'manufactured celebration' called 'The Texas Miracle.' Yes, this is my word play on the ‘manufactured crisis,’ which predicted all of this muck back in 1996.
[FYI - former FL Gov. Jeb Bush also tried to use a manufactured celebration (along former Indiana Supt. of Public Instruction Tony Bennett) to become president -- "surging third grade reading scores you say?". ...yet everything else is stagnant or dropping?)
FYI 2 - current FL governor Ron DeSantis and his recent book are celebrating FL’s better-than-everyone-else COVID response -- which it wasn't. See any data analysis you wish.]
Link is also here on the fake Texas Miracle:
History and historians are letting disingineous reformers sell lies, polarize and politicize education reform, and harm America. Yes, I am at fault too, maybe more than most. Spread the word.
Remeber that Catholic schools largely arose in 'Protestant America' because these two groups fought to form the public schools in their Christian image.
Vic Smith and Joel Hand in Indiana and Diane Ravitch nationally are the few voices trying to set the record straight with data, history, and argument.