THE Best of ALL Time - by categories - Let the Challenge Begin
This is a challenge. Look at these. Seek better ones.
Finding no others …proposing no others others …challenging not with others, then these are the reigning winners. I do not care if these win. I propose them as a challenge. Let the world look for something greater. Until then, these reign supreme. My search was extensive and exhaustive. I really doubt you can find much to even propose. In that, I hope I am wrong. :) Be Open
The best “poem” of all time - Maya Angelou’s “On the Pulse of the Morning”; runner-ups The Hymn to Aten; and also The Heart Sutra; and also The Sermon on the Mount; and also Psalm 23; and also the first four chapters of the Dao De Jing; The Guest House by Rumi; my entry
The best human anthem (in English) - The McClain sisters’s Rise (used in the credits of Disney’s movie Chimpanzee); runner-up With My Own Two Hands (lyrics by Ben Harper, sung by Jack Johnson and Ben Harper — used in the Curious George movie); third runner-up Celine Dion The Power of the Dream; fourth runner-up It’s Our World (ha, its from Disney’s Monkey Kingdom :) ); I hope to eventually get and consider songs in other languages.
The best art creation - “A room of quiet” the meditation room, UN Headquarters; runner-ups The School of Athens, Cueva de las Manos, Lascaux Cave, Qingming (Spring) Festival. …Trevi Fountain
The best book of all time - Opennessence (I wrote it to be just that.) Its publication on 11/4/2019 replaced the reigning champion The Tao of Pooh; and other runner-ups include Ideas that Changed the World by Felipe Fernando-Armesto; Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
THE “best” value system — because it is the universal human value system - OPEN values — “Be good, be true, be you, be open-hearted, be open-minded, be open2happiness” — the periodic table just exists and so also does this value system …one can deny it like gravity or iron, but they will will fall or be crushed just the same. The earth’s iron core is the source of our local gravity field in the fabric of Albert Eintein’s universe. The literal translation of Einstein is “one stone.” Earth is our one stone — made of iron and creator of our gravity. Values in Action did mega-research at the same time I did. The synthesized their 24 character strengths into 6 master values. They are the same as mine, just less user friendly.
The best video - Akasha - Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds; runner-up A Pale Blue Dot video(s)
The best essay - A Pale Blue Dot; runner-up A Room of Quiet reflective essay
The best joke - Two hunters are out in the woods
The best/greatest question of all time — “How does a purposeful meaning of life emerge?” [It contains within it the three crucial questions of science — how did existence start? (emergence); how did life start? (life); and how did consciousness arise? (purposeful/meaning).]
The best/greatest answer of all time — “You open yourself — as much as you can for as long as you can; and help others open themselves as much as they can for as long as they can; in order to create as much good as we can for as many people as we can for as long as will be.”; runner-ups “42” (the answer “to life, the universe, everything” from the supercomputer in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — here is a longer movie clip)[it all seems like a zen Buddhist koan to me — “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”]; “omnieverythingness” (by me)
The best human sentence - The UNIverse - “Good truly opens your heart-n-mind 2 happiness.”
The best human prayer/mantra — “Help me help others help the world be our best” — Ten words for ten seconds and for 10 fingers. Alternate: “Open yourself and others, creating the best world we can.”
The greatest human development of all time - three-way tie — human consciousness, human complex speech, and the human hand with opposable thumb and pincer grasp — “Be open-handed” — our greatest state of mind.