Your Jour ney2 Find One's True Self
Everyone fluctuates between living in the moment and seeking the deeper purpose in it all or a greater profit from it all.
“Live by the natural Dao” and “follow zen” as Jesus says in Matthew 6: 25 - 34 — worry not as birds don’t?
And yet, Jesus says in Matthew 25: 14 - 30 do not just sit around and expect that all things will be OK.
Get out their and capitalize on trade, profit, and banking and get a return for your investing owner.
The world is full of conflicting messages.
Are they in conflict? Do they argue? Is God merciful and/or judgmental?
Is the universe meaningful (Proverbs) or meaningless (Ecclesiastes)?
Do we believe the beginning (1:2) of Ecclesiastes or the end (12:13-14)?
Was the ended added? Are we guessing or do we know?
Does alturistic good exist or is everything only done out of personal self interest?
Do I have free will or are my choices just controlled by the impulses out of my subconsciousness (my limbic system)?
Joseph Campbell told us about the hero’s journey.
Zen Buddhism gave us the 10 Ox-herding pictures
When we find our true self what do we do with it? Are we better than we were before?
Is it “a journey that is more important than the destination”?
Or is it a happy Buddha (bodhisattva), a level of enlightenment, a salvation, or a final level that we reach and share with others?
Curves and Corners - “Always there has been an adventure just around the corner--and the world is still full of corners.” Roy Chapman Andrews