1. What if everything you know to be true is false?

  2. What if everything you know to be false is true?

  3. If you know how everything is connected to one thing in the universe, you know everything about the whole universe.

  4. You only know something if you can explain it to a five-year old.

  5. Uncertainty is most certainly the firmest thing on which you can hold - skeptimistically speaking

  6. An ‘idea’ is “to see,” so ‘sight’ is in the mind - the insight of the sages.

  7. In a UNIverse where time, space, energy, and matter exist, experience is the ONE — connective link.

  8. Religion, nationalism, ethnicity, and culture all seek to bind together that which is alway dividing and mixing with ‘outsider’ entities.

  9. The only way to be well grounded in the universe is to achieve transcendence.

  10. Religions all claim to have ‘the light,’ but mostly they try to dim your interest in other religions; so the one great super religion would unite them all through enlightened openness.

Alan Hagedorn